Thriving in Love and Money

Thriving in Love and Money
Author: Shaunti Feldhahn
Publisher: Baker Books
Total Pages: 215
Release: 2020-03-03
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1493423029

Over 90 percent of couples experience some level of tension around money. In fact, money issues are the number one stressor in relationships. So many books try to fix the surface problems, such as how to budget and what to prioritize when it comes to finances, but the issues go much deeper than just a simple spreadsheet. How do men and women view money differently? What do most couples fight about? How can they get on the same page? What questions should men/women ask their significant others before marriage? There are emotional and spiritual components to finances that most couples ignore. How can you agree on a budget if you disagree with each other on the basic purpose of money? Thriving in Love and Money is based on original research Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn have conducted to get to the heart of these issues. And just as they did with their bestselling books For Women Only and For Men Only, they will use this research to provide the answers and insights you need to break the tension and provide the unity you're looking for. Let this book deepen your understanding of each other, leading to clear communication, peace as a couple, and better financial decision-making. Also available: video curriculum and workbook.

The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages

The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages
Author: Shaunti Feldhahn
Publisher: Multnomah
Total Pages: 258
Release: 2013-12-31
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1601423608

“Where does ‘highly happy’ come from—and can we have some too?!” Have you ever looked at a blissfully married couple and thought, I wish I could know their secret? Now you can. After years of investigative research, Shaunti reveals twelve powerful habits that the happiest marriages have in common. Best news of all? Anyone can learn the secrets of a highly happy marriage! In The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages, Shaunti Feldhahn shares her findings about little, very unexpected, often overlooked actions that make a huge difference. You’re about to discover that highly happy couples: • Go to bed mad • Keep score (just not in the way you think) • Boss their feelings around • Have factual fantasies • Get in over their heads • Don’t tell it like it is • Don’t look to marriage to make them happy… Packed with eye-opening research and practical helps, this book delivers relationship insights that will take your marriage from “just fine” to “just the marriage we’ve always wanted.”

Money, a Love Story

Money, a Love Story
Author: Kate Northrup
Total Pages: 272
Release: 2013-09-10
Genre: Finance, Personal
ISBN: 9781781800683

The Good News About Marriage

The Good News About Marriage
Author: Shaunti Feldhahn
Publisher: Multnomah
Total Pages: 210
Release: 2014-05-06
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1601425635

Divorce is not the biggest threat to marriage. Discouragement is. You’ve probably heard the grim facts: Half of all marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate inside the church is the same as outside. Most marriages are just holding on. But what if these “facts” are actually myths? In The Good News About Marriage, best-selling author Shaunti Feldhahn presents groundbreaking research that reveals the shocking, incredibly inspiring truth: · The actual divorce rate has never gotten close to 50 percent. · Those who attend church regularly have a significantly lower divorce rate than those who don’t. · Most marriages are happy. · Simple changes make a big difference in most marriage problems. · Most remarriages succeed. For too long, our confidence in marriage has been undermined by persistent misunderstandings and imperfect data. This landmark book will radically change how we think and talk about marriage—and what we can dare to hope from it. “Shaunti takes aim at marriage myths that have spread like a cancer through our culture–myths that have become self-fulfilling prophecies. This book is packed with game-changing revelations. Like this one: Not only are most people staying married, they are happy in their marriages!” –Emerson Eggerichs, best-selling author of Love and Respect

The Courage to Love: Surviving and Thriving in Your Relationship

The Courage to Love: Surviving and Thriving in Your Relationship
Author: Colm O'Connor
Publisher: Gill & Macmillan Ltd
Total Pages: 292
Release: 2013-03-08
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 0717158179

Dr Colm O'Connor, a clinical psychologist and couples therapist, has for over twenty years explored the emotional lives of couples and researched hundreds of cases of couples in distress. Looking beneath the surface of everyday complaints, The Courage to Love reveals those insights and shows how we seek solutions to life's most essential questions in close relationships. It answers common questions that we often ask such as: 'Why do we constantly argue about trivial things?' 'Why do we have to win an argument at all?' 'Why is it that we often forget what it is we end up fighting about?' 'How is it that love can deteriorate into abuse?' In answering these kinds of questions, Dr O'Connor shows what is ultimately at stake for people in winning an argument, starting a fight, proving a point, triumphing in divorce, or abusing a lover, and presents a range of solutions that are not about how to control relationships but how to inhabit them. Painting a dramatic portrait of love as a heroic response to human vulnerability, The Courage to Love shines new light on how relationship breakdown happens and provides a guide for getting back on track.

For Women Only

For Women Only
Author: Shaunti Feldhahn
Publisher: Multnomah
Total Pages: 209
Release: 2004
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1590523172

What's going on in a man's mind? Feldhahn's research reveals the inner lives of men and will open women's eyes to what the men in their life are really thinking and feeling.

Eight Dates

Eight Dates
Author: John Gottman
Publisher: Workman Publishing
Total Pages: 241
Release: 2019-02-05
Genre: Family & Relationships
ISBN: 1523504463

Whether you’re newly together and eager to make it work or a longtime couple looking to strengthen and deepen your bond, Eight Dates offers a program of how, why, and when to have eight basic conversations with your partner that can result in a lifetime of love. “Happily ever after” is not by chance, it’s by choice– the choice each person in a relationship makes to remain open, remain curious, and, most of all, to keep talking to one another. From award-winning marriage researcher and bestselling author Dr. John Gottman and fellow researcher Julie Gottman, Eight Dates offers an ingenious and simple-to-implement approach to effective relationship communication. Here are the subjects that every serious couple should discuss: Trust. Family. Sex and intimacy. Dealing with conflict. Work and money. Dreams, and more. And here is how to talk about them—how to broach subjects that are difficult or embarrassing, how to be brave enough to say what you really feel. There are also suggestions for where and when to go on each date—book your favorite romantic restaurant for the Sex & Intimacy conversation (and maybe go to a yoga or dance class beforehand). There are questionnaires, innovative exercises, real-life case studies, and skills to master, including the Four Skills of Intimate Conversation and the Art of Listening. Because making love last is not about having a certain feeling—it’s about both of you being active and involved.

For Men Only, Revised and Updated Edition

For Men Only, Revised and Updated Edition
Author: Shaunti Feldhahn
Publisher: Multnomah
Total Pages: 211
Release: 2013-03-19
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1601424450

Finally, you can understand her! This updated edition of the groundbreaking classic explains how to achieve better communication with your girlfriend, fiancée, or wife—from the authors of For Women Only. More than 2 million copies sold in the series! “Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn have unearthed a treasure chest of insights that are not only eye-opening, but life-changing.”—Andy Stanley, senior pastor, North Point Community Church If you’re like most men, you’ve burned up lots of energy trying to figure out what a woman wants, what makes her tick, how to make her happy. The good news: success is simpler than you ever thought. In For Men Only, Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn reveal the eye-opening truths and simple acts that will radically improve your relationship with the woman you love. For example: • Why she can’t “just not think about” something that’s bothering her • How to get her real answers without games • How your provider instinct can actually cause her heartache—and what to do about it • Why listening to her feelings is so hard for a guy, and a fix-it plan that works • Why her “I do” at the altar will always mean, “do you?” and the answer that rocks her world Now updated with the latest scientific research to explain the fabulous female brain plus an all-new chapter that shows how to decode her most baffling behavior, For Men Only is your roadmap to making her happy.

Thriving at College

Thriving at College
Author: Alex Chediak
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Total Pages: 366
Release: 2011-04-01
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1414352670

Going to college can be exciting, anxiety inducing, and expensive! You want your child to get the most out of their college experience—what advice do you give? Thriving at College by Alex Chediak is the perfect gift for a college student or a soon-to-be college student. Filled with wisdom and practical advice from a seasoned college professor and student mentor, Thriving at College covers the ten most common mistakes that college students make—and how to avoid them! Alex leaves no stone unturned—he discusses everything from choosing a major and discerning one’s vocation to balancing academics and fun, from cultivating relationships with peers and professors to helping students figure out what to do with their summers. Most importantly, this book will help students not only keep their faith but build a vibrant faith and become the person God created them to be.