101 Jumping Exercises for Horse & Rider

101 Jumping Exercises for Horse & Rider
Author: Linda Allen
Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC
Total Pages: 241
Release: 2010-06-24
Genre: Sports & Recreation
ISBN: 160342394X

Get jumping! This collection presents a logical series of fun and rewarding exercises that are designed to develop your horse-jumping skills. With straightforward instructions and clear arena maps, this guide can be hung on a pole and easily referenced from the saddle. In addition to clearly articulated goals and progressively difficult variations, each exercise also includes encouraging advice on what the rider should keep in mind while jumping. Saddle up and get ready to fly through the air with grace and confidence.

The Athletic Horse - E-Book

The Athletic Horse - E-Book
Author: David R. Hodgson
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Total Pages: 408
Release: 2013-05-08
Genre: Medical
ISBN: 0323241921

Showing how to maximize performance in horses, The Athletic Horse: Principles and Practice of Equine Sports Medicine, 2nd Edition describes sports training regimens and how to reduce musculoskeletal injuries. Practical coverage addresses the anatomical and physiological basis of equine exercise and performance, centering on evaluation, imaging, pharmacology, and training recommendations for sports such as racing and show jumping. Now in full color, this edition includes new rehabilitation techniques, the latest imaging techniques, and the best methods for equine transportation. Written by expert educators Dr. David Hodgson, Dr. Catherine McGowan, and Dr. Kenneth McKeever, with a panel of highly qualified contributing authors. Expert international contributors provide cutting-edge equine information from the top countries in performance-horse research: the U.S., Australia, U.K., South Africa, and Canada. The latest nutritional guidelines maximize the performance of the equine athlete. Extensive reference lists at the end of each chapter provide up-to-date resources for further research and study. NEW full-color photographs depict external clinical signs, allowing more accurate clinical recognition. NEW and improved imaging techniques maximize your ability to assess equine performance. UPDATED drug information is presented as it applies to treatment and to new regulations for drug use in the equine athlete. NEW advances in methods of transporting equine athletes ensure that the amount of stress on the athlete is kept to a minimum. NEW rehabilitation techniques help to prepare the equine athlete for a return to the job. Two NEW authors, Dr. Catherine McGowan and Dr. Kenneth McKeever, are highly recognized experts in the field.

Practical Jumping

Practical Jumping
Author: John Lionel Mackenzie Barrett
Total Pages: 184
Release: 1930
Genre: Horsemanship


Author: Betty Bolte
Publisher: Infobase Publishing
Total Pages: 65
Release: 2002
Genre: Show jumping
ISBN: 0791066576

Provides a history of horse jumping and the training and conditioning involved, especially as part of such competitions as the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event.

Sport Horse Soundness and Performance

Sport Horse Soundness and Performance
Author: Cecilia Lönnell
Total Pages: 192
Release: 2017-08
Genre: Horsemanship
ISBN: 9781910016244

There are many books and DVDs devoted to the technical training of horse and rider - how to perform movements correctly, clear obstacles, communicate efficiently, and in other ways attain the idealised image of an athletic partnership that results in competitive success. But this book is different: its focus is how the rider and trainer can make it easier for the horse to perform optimally. This includes improved understanding of what are reasonable expectations for a particular horse at a certain level of schooling, how to improve his fitness (including strength and conditioning), as well as background on how injuries may develop as a result of interaction between internal and external factors, such as genetics, conformation, management, and training. Relying on her veterinary background, in-depth research, and dozens of interviews with top riders and trainers from around the world - including Beezie Madden, Carl Hester, and Pippa Funnell, to name just a few - Lonnell provides guidelines for nurturing a happy, healthy equine athlete. With special focus on conscientious pacing when building the horse's physical capability over time, diversification of schooling practices, detail-oriented management and care, and putting the horse's needs above competitive ambition, readers are given a solid grasp of what it takes to truly reach the pinnacle of equestrian sport - and remain there - on a consistent basis. Throughout, gorgeous colour photographs of world-class horses and the people who work with them visually demonstrate the success of these methods.

Practical Showjumping

Practical Showjumping
Author: Peter Churchill
Publisher: Howell Books
Total Pages: 199
Release: 1990
Genre: Show jumping.
ISBN: 9780876058879


Author: Library of Congress. Office for Subject Cataloging Policy
Total Pages: 1644
Release: 1990
Genre: Subject headings, Library of Congress

Equine Massage

Equine Massage
Author: Jean-Pierre Hourdebaigt, LMT
Publisher: Turner Publishing Company
Total Pages: 361
Release: 2007-05-21
Genre: Pets
ISBN: 0470109696

A long-awaited update of the classic equine massage reference Fully revised and updated, this new edition provides step-by-step instructions and more than 180 photographs and diagrams to help riders and professionals alike master equine massage techniques. This authoritative guide provides detailed information about massage movements, pressures, rhythms, and sequences. It includes: * An introduction to equine anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology * Practical information on stretching and hydrotherapy * Four new chapters covering equine myofascial massage, Equine TMJ (temporomandibular joint) Dysfunction Syndrome, Equine Muscular Compensation Phenomenon, and saddle fitting * A conformation check-up routine * Information about areas of stress specific to each discipline and different massage techniques and routines for different situations Equine massage enhances the performance and quality of life of horses by increasing flexibility, reducing stiffness, improving attitude, and shortening recovery time from injury. In addition to its many health benefits, equine massage strengthens the bond between the horse and his owner, trainer, or groom. Using these techniques, you'll learn to "see" with your hands and sense areas that need special attention. Equine Massage, Second Edition is truly a hands-on guide to proven massage techniques that improve a horse's well-being.